Dinner time!
My Cairn Terror Elly's funniest trait may be her intense desire to have dinner at 7:00 every night. That's not 7:05, not 7:10, and definitely not 7:30. 7:00 on the dot. She'll give you 5 minutes, but after that, she will let you have it. She whines, she cries, she whimpers, she screeches, she slaps, she begs. She pretty much acts as obnoxious as her Terrier self can be until she eats dinner. She's never been a stray and never missed a meal in her life so it's not like she has any real fear of not getting her dinner. I have been out all evening and when I got in, watching a little of the game and came in to read my e-mail. A few minutes later, in came Elly. She did her sit up and beg thing and screeched. I knew immediately that I'd forgotten to feed her. Poor kid, it was 10:00! I ran off to the kitchen, with her hot on my heels. The food was gone within a minute of it hitting the bowl (chewing ruins the experience, ya know).
I have part of the Apricot sleeve done. I haven't even had to rip out a row yet. *knocks on desktop*
I have part of the Apricot sleeve done. I haven't even had to rip out a row yet. *knocks on desktop*
If you haven't already, you've gotta see Skylar's first socks. Aren't these awesome? And if you know me well, don't these colors just scream my name? I'm stalking Knit Pixie for this colorway of Vesper Sock Yarn to come back in stock. In the meantime, I'm really loving Midnight Knitter but will resist for the time being to see if I can be a Skylar copy cat!
At 1:03 AM,
goodkarma said…
One of my cats does the same thing. Morning and night. If you don't catch on right away, he'll meow/whine his head off in the Most Annoying Way. I think he has an alarm clock in his belly!
At 12:49 PM,
Anonymous said…
Aaaaahhh, you mentioned my socks! I love it. I should say my one sock. I have one-sock-itis. Don't wanna start the second one, but I will get on it this weekend. 1 skein will be MORE than enough for one pair. Depending on how much is left, I might make a matching baby set for the undetermined future???
I have a cat who must have been the runt in his litter. He is majorly food obsessed. We used to feed them twice a day and he'd beg for the food, eat just the center portion and beg for more. Now we have a self feeder and he still begs for you to come into the kitchen with him while he eats. And if the feeder isn't quite full enough, he cries and begs. What a pain...
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