Stacy Knits

Ramblings about knitting and whatever else crosses my mind

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Not a lot of progress

I really hoped to get started seaming Lucky this weekend but that didn't happen! I didn't even get the last sleeve done. I worked on it some last night and got almost to shaping the sleeve cap. I should get it done tonight watching Tuesday night TV (American Idol, the Amazing Race, Law and Order SVU, and I thought I watched too much TV?). I got the first sleeve done in just a couple of days but haven't had the time to work on this one as much.

No pictures, who really wants to see a half completed Lucky sleeve?

Sunday, I went hiking at Natural Bridge in southeastern Kentucky, about an hour from my house. It was really nice to get away from the world a little and get some exercise. My calves are still killing me! Seems I managed to take the steepest, most difficult trail up, and climbed all over everything on the way down. I told my Mom we'd go running tonight, so that could be interesting. At least it's not my knitting hands.

But isn't it gorgeous? You get the greatest view from the top of the arch.

I'm thinking ahead to my next project. For my birthday in February, Juls, the Wayward Blogger, sent me this yarn,
Schachenmayr Solero. It's a DK microfiber yarn that is so soft and drapey but feels a little like suede too.

I love the color, it's a minty green but not a baby pastel mint green. I don't own anything that's this color. I've been searching for patterns, and nothing has screamed at me. I would love a cute summer cardi and tank to go underneath so decided to do a cardi from Ann Budd's Knitter's Guide to Sweater Patterns and will do a little lace edging instead of ribbing. I have an idea in mind about how I want it to look so we'll see if it works out that way!

I will have 2 skeins of Brown Sheep Cotton Fine leftover from my Lucky. I am going to use it to make a bold step into the wonderful world of sock knitting with the Cable Rib Sock from the Spring Interweave Knits. I'm really wanting to find out what the big deal about sock knitting and handknit sock wearing is, and I thought these looked great. They probably aren't the best pattern for a first pair of socks but oh well, you are reading the words of a person whose very first knit project was a 2x2 ribbed hat.


  • At 2:39 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    You know, I haven't been knitting much myself lately. I have been trying stuff, not liking it, and then trying something else. I just can't get passionate about anything at the moment. Bummer. I started the Om Yoga bag from SnB Nation w/ this cute pink yarn from Bernat (cotton tots), but I am not liking it on the size 8 needles. You can't see the lace pattern that well. So, I am thinking of going back to the good old yarn called for in the pattern and trying it on size 10 needles. My yoga mat is extra thick, so it'll probably fit better anyways.

    Good luck on stuff. Can't wait to see that finished Lucky!


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